The 2023 Ohio High School Athletic Association Athletic Discussion Meetings have been finalized with the dates and locations for the six meetings listed below. OHSAA Director of Compliance Kristin Ronai will review the 2023 referendum issues and Executive Director Doug Ute will discuss topics of current interest to administrators involved with or interested in the school’s interscholastic athletics program. Meetings will last no more than two hours, and there is no cost to attend.
The meetings are intended for superintendents, high school principals, high school athletic administrators, 7th-8th grade principals, city supervisors and board presidents. Attendance by at least one school administrator is highly encouraged.
Member schools are permitted to register a maximum of four school administrators for the OHSAA Athletic Discussion Meetings. We have asked all other school administrators to coordinate their registration efforts through you, the high school athletic administrator. The link to the registration form is as follows:
An email will be returned to you to indicate that your registration has been received.
Here are the sites and dates for the 2023 OHSAA Athletic Discussion Meetings:
Westerville Meeting
Monday, April 17– 10:00 a.m.
Quest Conference Center
9200 Worthington Rd., Suite 400
Westerville, OH 43082
Athens Meeting
Wednesday, April 18 – 10:00 a.m.
Ohio University Inn and Conference Center
331 Richland Ave.
Athens, OH 45701
Streetsboro Meeting
Tuesday, April 25 – 10:30 a.m.
Streetsboro High School Auditorium
8585 State Route 14
Streetsboro, OH 44241
Cambridge Meeting
Thursday, April 27 – 1:30 p.m.
Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center
7033 Glenn Highway
Cambridge, OH 43725
Clayton Meeting
Friday, April 28 – 10:00 a.m.
Northmont Community Auditorium
4916 W. National Road
Clayton, OH 45315
Special Note:
Enter Door 2, Northwest Side of School
Tiffin Meeting
Monday, May 1 – 9:00 a.m.
Camden Falls Reception & Conference Center
2640 S. State Route 231
Tiffin, OH 44883
Special Note: This meeting is in conjunction with
the NWDAB Administrators Meeting. The NWDAB
portion of the meeting and special awards will begin
at 9:00, with the OHSAA presentation to begin at
approximately 10:00. Lunch will also be provided.