The Fourth Annual “Summer Institute” was hosted by the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (OIAAA) and sponsored by OhioHealth. The three-day series of courses and workshops were held June 11-13 in Columbus at the OHSAA campus.
Course presentations covered a broad range of topics which were focused upon enhancement of interscholastic athletic administrators’ duties in their role as school athletic directors. Included in these course offerings were topics such as “Leadership Presentation Best-Practices for Athletic Administrators”, “Legal Issues involving Title IX, Harassment, Social Media and Risk Management”, “Establishing and Managing Interscholastic Sports Medicine Programs”, “Administration of Strength and Conditioning for Interscholastic Athletic Programs”, “Overview of Best Practices in Promotion, Special Events, Fund-Raising, Sportsmanship, Citizenship and Strategic Planning for Interscholastic Athletic Programs”, “New Athletic Directors’ Workshops”, “Leadership Management and Supervision”, “Identifying and Teaching Appropriate Professional Boundaries for Coaches”. Additionally, presentations by the OHSAA staff members helped to address topics involving the Competitive Balance initiative, use of the Arbiter system and OHSAA administrative expectations.
“This was our fourth summer of offering classes to assist not only our new athletic directors, but also providing our more veteran administrators with sessions that will help grow education-based programs in our schools”, stated OIAAA Executive Director, Bruce Brown. “Our goal in offering this annual workshop-like opportunity is to share best-practices and key ideas to assist our member schools deliver the best educational opportunities through school sports to our students.”
“We are again grateful for the tremendous collaboration we’ve had with the OHSAA in serving as our host site as well as contributing to our presentations. Along with our Summer Institute sponsor, OhioHealth, we have developed these sessions into one of the largest summer professional development opportunities for interscholastic athletic directors in the nation.”
This year’s Summer Institute drew 288 attendees to the various course roster spots. Combined with the three prior Summer Institutes, nearly 1,100 attendees have filled roster spots. In 2019, 102 different athletic directors filled the roster spots; or, 1 out of every 8 Ohio athletic directors attended this year’s Summer Institute.
In addition to the Summer Institute, the OIAAA offers extensive training sessions at their annual State Conference, which will be held November 10-12, 2019 at the Hilton Easton in Columbus.
Summer Institute Class breakdown- 2019 Columbus (288)
617- 6
790- 4
OHSAA Update: 27
For additional information about the OIAAA, go to www.oiaaa.org . The OIAAA can also be found on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ohioiaaa/) and on Twitter (@ohioiaaa