Professional growth and training are the hallmarks of progressive educators. As the “coach of coaches” (along with many other stakeholders connected to your athletic program), the athletic administrator has a high degree of responsibility to maintain their own professional development in being a leader within their school.
The primary mission of the OIAAA is to serve as a conduit in providing training and resources to keep athletic administrators on the cutting edge of their profession. In today’s world of education, changes, initiatives and legal challenges make professional development an absolute requirement for athletic directors to fulfill their duties successfully.
To assist our Ohio athletic administrators in planning their continued growth and learning curve, the OIAAA offers the following 12-month schedule of options for professional development:
OIAAA Summer Institute: June 11, 12 and 13, 2019
The popular “Summer Institute” returns to Columbus again in June! The past three summers’ three-day of workshops have seen over 700 roster spots for nearly a dozen workshop sessions and classes. This year’s schedule of courses will be published in March along with the time frame for each session and housing information for those who intend to stay over in the Columbus area for the Summer Institute.
There will be two “tracks” this summer: Track One will be oriented to recently-hired or newer athletic directors. The three days will provide the core courses for successfully starting as an interscholastic athletic administrator along with a key afternoon session with OHSAA staff for orientation to important responsibilities over the summer months. Attendees can choose to attend individual sessions or complete the entire three days of sessions in meeting course requirements for the Certified Athletic Administrator (CAA) designation.
Track Two will be focused upon NIAAA 600 and 700 courses. These supplemental courses are excellent training opportunities for “digging deeper” into successful interscholastic athletic administration. These courses will be topic-specific and can also be applied to Certified Master Athletic Administrator (CMAA) designation requirements. Attendees can choose to take as few or as many of these courses as they desire during the Summer Institute.
The CAA exam will also be offered to those who have registered through the NIAAA office with their CAA Personal Data Form.
All sessions will be held at the OHSAA offices, 4080 Roselea Place, Columbus.
Specific course offerings, times and housing information will be published in mid-March. Watch for the push-out of this data and be sure to sign up for this great opportunity to grow and learn!
NOTE: The Annual OIAAA Endowment Golf Outing will be held on FRIDAY, JUNE 14th in Columbus. Registration and site information will be published in April.
NIAAA Online Courses: Available year-round
These courses can be registered for through the NIAAA website (www.niaaa.org) for $125 per course. Online courses are the “core” courses toward CAA designation and are fundamental to successful athletic administration.
Courses currently offered online include:
LTC 501: Guiding Foundations and Philosophies
LTC 502: Strategies for Organizational Management
LTC 503: Enhancing Organization Management
LTC 504: Legal Issues I (Liability for Sports Injuries and Risk Management)
LTC 506: Legal Issues II (Title IX and Sexual Harassment)
LTC 508: Legal Issues III (Hazing, Constitutional Law, Disabilities Law and Employment/Labor Law)
LTC 510: Legal Issues IV (Social Media, Transgender Participation, Event Management and Security, Pregnant and Parenting Students and Intellectual Property)
NIAAA Webinar Courses: Available by seasonal schedule
These courses are offered seasonally in two hour/night (two nights) sessions. Seasonal schedules and registration is available through the NIAAA website (www.niaaa.org) and cost $125 per course.
Courses being offered in 2019:
2019 Spring Schedule
(Register January 15 – March 10)
All courses begin at 7:30 p.m. EST.
*Available also as an online course
LTC 501* Wednesdays, March 20 & 27
LTC 502* Tuesdays, April 2 & 9
LTC 504* Mondays, March 18 & 25
LTC 506* Thursdays, April 4 & 11
LTC 508* Mondays, April 1 & 8
LTC 625: Management of Game/Event Announcing Tuesdays, March 12 & 19
LTC 701: Application of Middle School Athletic Programs Wednesdays, April 3 & 10
LTC 799 : Standards of Excellence in Interscholastic Athletic Programs Thursdays, March 21 & 28
2019 Summer Schedule
All courses begin at 7:30 p.m. EST.
*Available also as an online course
LTC 501* Tuesdays, July 23 & 30
LTC 502* Mondays, July 29 & August 5
LTC 503* Thursdays, July 25 & August 1
LTC 510* Wednesdays, July 24 & 31
LTC 611: Concepts and Strategies for Marketing & Promotions Tuesdays, July 9 & 16
LTC 626 : Effects of alcohol, Chemicals and Nutrition Mondays, July 8 & 15
LTC 630: Management and Planning for Contests Wednesdays, July 10 & 17
LTC 700: Administration of Middle School Athletic Programs Thursdays, July 11 & 18
2019 Fall Schedule
All courses begin at 7:30 p.m. EST.
*Available also as an online course
LTC 501* Tuesdays, October 29 & November 5
LTC 502* Thursdays, October 17 & 24
LTC 504* Tuesdays, October 15 & 22
LTC 506* Thursdays, October 31 & November 7
LTC 511: Strategies for Budget and Finance Wednesdays, October 16 & 23
LTC 631: Emergency Management of Athletic Events Mondays, October 28 & November 4
LTC 703 : Student-centered Educational Athletic Performance Wednesdays, October 30 & November 6
LTC 705: Character-based Coach Mentoring Program Mondays, October 14 & 22
2019 OIAAA State Conference:
LTC 630: Interscholastic Athletic Management—Planning, Prep and Methods”
LTC ___: TBA (Regent 3)
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. LTC 631: Emergency Management of Interscholastic Athletic Events” (Regent 1)
LTC 726: Student Leadership Development (Regent 3)
(NOTE: Final course listing and registration will be available August 1, 2019)