Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Huntington Ballpark
Columbus, Ohio
The Spring General Membership Meeting of the COIAAA will be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at the Huntington Ballpark, downtown Columbus. Donuts and coffee will be available at 8:30 and the workshop will begin at 9:00 am.
The cost of the workshop, continental breakfast, and lunch is $20.00. If you have not paid your 2013-14 membership dues they are $15.00. We have the option to attend the Clippers game at 11:30 following our meeting for and additional $10.
Please send your reservations to Dave Thompson, Bishop Hartley HS, by Friday, April 4. You may email reservations to dthompso@cdeducation.org
The ticket for the ballgame will be purchased separately.
Request for Taxpayer I.D. Certification Form
Explanation of Awards and Scholarships Available to Central Ohio Athletic Directors:
OIAAA Athletic Administrator of The Year*
The purpose of this award is to give recognition to athletic administrators who exemplify the highest standards of their profession and who, through their influence on the lives of the young people under their direction, have made significant contributions to their schools and communities. The candidate shall be an athletic administrator who is recognized in the community as an educational leader and who maintains athletics as an integral part of the total education program. He/she shall administer an exemplary athletic program making full use of school and community resources and involving as many students as possible. Each District is permitted to nominate one person from their area, and the Executive Committee will choose one nominee as the Athletic Administrator of the Year. The nominee must be a member of OIAAA and their local district by no later than October 31 during the school year in which they have been nominated.
OIAAA Hall of Fame Inductee*
This honor is bestowed upon an active or retired athletic administrator in recognition of their special accomplishments and contributions at the local and/or state levels. Length of service should not necessarily be a deciding factor when choosing a candidate for this honor. Each District is permitted to select one individual and must forward a completed application to the Executive Committee. If the nominee is an active athletic administrator, they must be a member of OIAAA, and their local district by no later than October 31 during the school year in which they have been nominated. If the nominee is a retired athletic administrator, the OIAAA Treasurer or his designee must verify that the individual had been an OIAAA member at some point during their career.
Thinnes Scholarship Nominee
This $750 scholarship is awarded annually to the son or daughter of an active member of OIAAA. Factors such as financial need, scholastic achievement and leadership qualities shall be considered. Applicants must complete the required application and submit it to their District Representative. Each athletic district may select one candidate for this scholarship each year and the OIAAA Executive Committee will select the scholarship winner at their May meeting. Applicants who have previously have been awarded this scholarship will only be considered if there are no other legitimate candidates during that year. A plaque will be presented to the scholarship winner at the OIAAA conference during the opening session in the Fall.
Dow Nelson Scholarship Nominee
This $750 scholarship is awarded annually to the son or daughter of an active member of OIAAA. Factors such as financial need, scholastic achievement and leadership qualities shall be considered. Applicants must complete the required application and submit it to their District Representative. Candidates for this award are recommended by and only taken from the district that is responsible for the state conference the previous year.
A plaque will be presented to the scholarship winner at the OIAAA conference during the opening session in the Fall.