Codes of Conduct and Handbooks
Clearly identifying and stating expectations that have been established for students, coaches and stakeholders involved with interscholastic athletics are important protocols. Such Handbooks can be shared today in various forms (electronic, print, etc.) and, in many schools, acknowledging such are requirements for participation.
As with many items related to school policies, codes and protocol will likely vary among schools and districts. Offered in this section are such Codes and Handbooks that are well-conceived and include a broad range of considerations.
NOTE: The OIAAA does not endorse any specific school’s Handbook or Code of Conduct. Rather, the OIAAA does endorse each school establishing such information and then distributing their expectations in as many formats as necessary to insure full understanding of school protocols.
Athletic Handbook – Hilliard City Schools
Athletic Handbook – Colchester Schools
Athletic Handbook – Santa Monica Schools, CA
Athletic Code of Conduct – Francis W. Parker School
Student Activities Guide – Bay High School
Parent Student Handbook – Columbus Grove
Parent Student Handbook – Lake High School
Team Policy Handbook – Canfield Soccer
Coaches Handbook – Perrysburg HighSchool
Coaches Handbook – Canfield High School
Coaches Handbook – Lake High School
Jim Harbuck Presentation on Handbooks
Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators
The Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators provides the framework for professional conduct for all Ohio educators, including coaches, aides, teachers (including substitutes), principals, superintendents and other licensed individuals serving schools (e.g., school nurses, counselors and treasurers).
Developed by the Educator Standards Board and the Department, the code of conduct was adopted by the State Board of Education in 2008. It serves as the basis for decisions on issues pertaining to licensure that are consistent with applicable law and provides a guide for conduct in situations that have professional implications for all individuals licensed by the State Board.