NOTE: At the 2013 state conference, the voting membership unanimously approved the revision of the OIAAA Constitution. This revision reflected updated language that matched some administrative changes and enhancements that the membership had previously approved. There has been minimal content change but rather clarification of duties and protocol for the Executive Officers and the Executive Board of the OIAAA to now follow
of the
Revision Approved: November 18, 2013
ARTICLE I – Organization
This organization is incorporated according to the laws of the State of Ohio as a nonprofit (501c3) association. The name of the organization shall be known as the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association.
ARTICLE II – Mission Statement
The OIAAA advocates for our members by promoting the educational values of interscholastic athletics and providing high-quality services for our stakeholders.
ARTICLE III – Membership
1. Regular
A. A person is qualified to become a regular member of the OIAAA with full privileges and benefits if he or she is employed on a full- or part-time basis by a school district in Ohio and has among his/her responsibilities some segment of the administration of the interscholastic athletic program of that school or district.
B. The individual shall agree to comply with the constitution of the OIAAA, make application to the OIAAA, and submit registration fees annually to the Association Treasurer during enrollment periods.
C. Privileges and benefits shall include, but not limited to:
* Supplemental liability insurance coverage for duties aligned with fulfillment of duties as athletic administrator.
* Access to “Members Only” privileges on association website and association properties.
* Regular communication newsletters
* Statewide list-serve for postings and athletic communications
* Discounted rates for annual conference registration
* Opportunities to seek positions and office within District and State OIAAA committees and boards
* Representation on state committees and collegial associations
2. Associate
A. An individual is qualified to participate as an associate member in the meetings and activities
Specified by the Executive Board if any one of the following conditions are met:
1. Is employed by an educational institution or is a member of an organization that is directly involved with interscholastic athletics;
2 Has been a regular member of this association but no longer qualifies for that membership classification because of change of employment or job classification;
3. Is retired from education/interscholastic athletics and who has been a regular member of this association.
4. Is a current student at a qualified educational institution and is taking coursework leading toward a potential vocation within interscholastic athletics;
5. Is a business vendor which services or supports interscholastic athletics.
B. Associate members will be entitled to publications, the privilege of registering for conference and meetings and all mailings and other services as determined by the Executive Board.
C. Associate members shall not have the right to vote or hold office.
D. Fees shall be set annually by the Executive Board.
3. Honorary
A. Honorary membership may be bestowed on individuals by the Executive Board. There shall be no dues or voting privileges for such a member.
4. Year
A. Association year shall begin July 1 and end June 30 annually.
ARTICLE IV – Offices
1. Officers
The officers shall be Executive Director, Past President, President, President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer. The executive board consists of the district representatives as well as the officers. With the exception of the Executive Director and Treasurer, each officer and representative shall have voting privileges on all items of association business.
2. Duties of the Executive Director
The Executive Director shall be appointed by approval of a majority vote of the Executive Board for a term of three (3) years and does not have voting privileges. The Executive Director will serve as an advisor and liaison officer for the OIAAA on all matters pertaining to the operation of the organization.
3. Duties of the President
The president shall preside at all meetings of the association. He/she shall have the power to appoint special committees for the purpose of improving the objectives of the association. He/she will work directly with the Executive Director in the preparation of OIAAA Executive Board agendas. The President shall represent the OIAAA in any NIAAA sanctioned meetings (National or Section).
4. Duties of the President-elect
The President-elect shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to act. The
President-elect shall assist the President in any matters necessary. The President-elect serves as the Coordinator of the Annual State Conference working directly with the Executive Director and Conference Chair(s).
5. Duties of Past President
Upon completion of his/her term of the Presidency, he/she shall serve as an advisor and will assist the President in any matters requested and will have voting privileges. The Past-President will also serve as the Membership Chair.
6. Duties of the Secretary
The secretary shall be the chief correspondence officer responsible for all such records and proceedings of the association. He/she shall be responsible for notices, publication, reports and other items necessary for proper operation of the association. The Secretary shall furnish copies of all minutes to all members of the Executive Board and maintain an archive of such notations. He/she shall conduct meetings in the absence of the President and President-elect.
7. Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be appointed by approval of a majority vote of the Executive Board for a term of three (3) years and does (does not) have voting privileges. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer responsible for receipt and disbursement of funds authorized by the Executive Board. Accurate records are to be kept, subject to an annual audit by the Auditing Committee. A Financial report shall be given as routine order of business at all open meetings.
The Treasurer shall also serve as the Fiscal Agent for all disbursement of funds related to the Annual State Conference. It is also the responsibility of the Treasurer to submit a budget at the May Executive Committee meeting. The OIAAA Executive Board will designate additional signee(s) for all fiscal matters.
8. Duties of District Representative
The District Representatives shall consist of one from each district of the athletic district of the OHSAA,
duly-appointed by each district. They shall be the liaison between the district and the state board. The length of term for each district representative is four years.
9. Appointment of Officers
The appointment of officers shall be on a rotation basis. Each district will submit a candidate for Secretary when their district’s term becomes available for that office. If a district does not submit a candidate for the office of Secretary, the next district in sequence will have the right to submit a candidate for the Secretary’s office. The district that passes will not be permitted to submit another candidate until their term comes in proper sequence. The term of office shall be for not longer than two (2) years. The office will begin immediately after the state Fall Conference. The sequence in order of the candidate of Secretary shall be as follows:
2013 – Central
2015 – Southeast
2017 – East
2019 – Southwest
2021 – Northwest
2023 – Northeast
The district whose turn it is to elect a Secretary must submit his/her name and an alternate by the May meeting the year before that person will take office. The sequence of office will be Secretary, President-elect, President, and Past President. The office of Treasurer shall be appointed at the pleasure of the Executive Board. This appointment shall be reviewed annually at the January Executive Board meeting.
Appointment of OHSAA Representative: The ex‐officio member on the OHSAA Board of Directors from the OIAAA will be a representative as selected by the OIAAA Executive Board.
9. Eligibility
A regular member of this association may be appointed to an office. If at any time during his/her term the person’s responsibilities as an athletic administrator are terminated, the person shall, with the approval of the Executive Board, complete their term of immediate office.
ARTICLE V – Executive Board
1. Membership
The Executive Board shall be composed of all duly appointed officers and board members specified in Article IV, each having one vote on all legislative matters. The Executive Board shall put into effect the rules, regulations and amendments passed by the membership and take official action on the behalf of all OIAAA members. The Board will establish organization dues and Conference fees on an annual basis. The Executive Board will approve an annual budget for the organization. The Executive Board will meet a minimum of twice a year to plan, organize and implement the Annual Conference along with conducting association business at regular intervals.
2. Legislative Action
The executive Board shall act on all matters pertaining to membership and legislation in accordance with the Constitution.
3. Ex-Officio Members
The Commissioner or their designee of the Ohio High School Athletic Association and a representative of the Ohio Association of Secondary Administrators (OASSA) shall be ex-officio members of the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association. The Executive Board, on the recommendation of the president, may appoint other ex-officio members. They may attend meetings but do not have a vote. These may include such positions as: various Ohio Coaches Association liaison(s), Awards Chairperson, Exhibits Chairperson, Newsletter Editor, State Conference Program coordinator, State Conference Chairperson, State LTC Coordinator, State Website Chair, State Certification Chair and any other individuals which the Executive Board feel necessary to conduct Executive meetings.
4. Quorum
A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the voting membership of the Executive Board and any action taken shall be based on simple majority vote.
5. Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board at the August meeting shall determine expenses annually.
ARTICLE VI – Meeting
1. Regular
Regular meeting shall be conducted on dates set by the Executive Board.
2. Appointments
Appointments shall be a part of the business meeting at the Annual State Conference.
3. Fall Conferences
General Membership Meeting will be held at the fall conference. The hosting district shall submit final plans for the state conference for approval at the May Executive Board meeting. The following rotation will be in effect as to district hosting of the fall conference.
Southwest 2018, 2024, 2030 East 2015, 2021, 2027
Northeast 2013, 2019, 2025 Southeast 2016, 2022, 2028
Northwest 2014, 2020, 2026 Central 2017, 2023, 2029
4. Committee Meetings
The Executive Board and other committees may meet as often as deemed necessary to administer business. The chairperson of the group shall call all such meetings. Notice of at least one week should be given to all members as to time, place, and agenda.
5. NIAAA Delegates: National Assembly/Section 2 Meeting
A. The Ohio Delegates to the Annual NIAAA Delegate Assembly will be (in hierarchy):
1. Executive Director of OIAAA
2. President of OIAAA
- Treasurer of OIAAA
- Secretary of OIAAA
- President-elect of OIAAA
- Past-President of OIAAA
- District Representative (representative of the District that hosts the Fall Conference the following year.)
B. In the event that any of the above is unable to attend the NIAAA Delegate Assembly, The President of the OIAAA may appoint the appropriate number of delegates to represent Ohio.
- Representatives from the various districts will fill the remaining number of delegates assigned to Ohio by NIAAA.
- The rotation will be the same as that for the district sponsoring the state conferences. The first available delegate position will be offered to the district sponsoring the State Conference for the following year. The second delegate seat will be given to the district sponsoring the state conference the following year.
ARTICLE VII – Committees
1. Auditing Committee
The OIAAA Treasurer will submit a full fiscal report to the auditing committee and be present to address queries from the committee. The auditing committee will consist of the President, Secretary, and two district representatives appointed by the President and they shall have completed the annual audit by the Fall Conference.
2. Appointive Powers
All appointed committee chairpersons may appoint a member from each of the athletic districts of the OHSAA to serve.
ARTICLE VIII – District Organizational Relationship
1. Relationships
District organizational relationships shall exist with each of the District Interscholastic Athletic Association (IAA) organizations that are directly affiliated with the OIAAA.
2. Correlation
It is recommended that the constitution and proceeding of each district association be consistent with the fundamental purposes of the OIAAA.
3. Joint Membership
Membership in the District, State and National organizations shall be encouraged.
ARTICLE IX – Vacancies
1. President
In case of a vacancy in the office of the presidency, the President-elect shall become President and serve the remainder of that vacated term. Following completion of the President’s term, the President-elect shall serve the original appointed term as President.
2. President-elect
In case of a vacancy in the office of President-elect, the position will remain vacant until the next general membership meeting. At this meeting the Secretary will assume the duties of the President-elect and membership shall appoint a new Secretary.
3. Secretary
In case of a vacancy in the office of Secretary, the position will be filled through an appointment by the
Executive Board. This appointee will remain in the Secretary’s office until the next General Membership
Meeting. At the next General Membership meeting a new secretary will be appointed according to the
proper district rotation and to complete the term of office.
ARTICLE X – Constitutional Revision
1. Constitutional Purpose
The constitution of the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association has been developed to best serve the purpose of this organization as outlined in Article II.
2. Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution shall be by referendum vote of the members of the Executive Board.
3. Adoption
Adoption of amendments shall be by simple majority of voting members of regular meetings.
4. Referendum
All amendments may be proposed by the Executive Board or by petition of thirty (30) active members to the Executive Board at least thirty (30) days prior to any regular meeting.
5. Emergency
In the event of an emergency, the President may call a special meeting or he/she may pole the membership by mall. The Executive Board shall have the power to fill vacancies created on the Board or to take any necessary action in the interest of the Association in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.
Revised 11/18/2013
Previous revision: 10/12/05